
1030 N. Center Parkway Suite #316 | Kennewick, WA 99336 | (509) 783-6826

Lunch & Learn

Nutrition Made Simple

FREE Educational Lunch Program for Your Office

Estherbrook offers nutrition education programs for community businesses at no cost. Most people struggle to get more fiber, fruits and vegetables into their diets, the keys to boosting your immune system. Our Lunch & Learn Cooking Coaches provide recipes, tips and nutrition information to help your staff incorporate them more easily. It’s the perfect accompaniment to your company’s wellness program. And, it’s fun and interactive!

It’s the perfect amount of time—just 60 minutes. The presentation includes a discussion about nutrition, printed recipes, and food for attendees. We bring all of the food, equipment and printed materials. No kitchen needed!

At the end of the program, we are happy to answer any questions about Estherbrook, the Saladmaster cooking system or in case they want to utilize any of our resources. 

There is no cost or obligation.

To host a Lunch & Learn event:

  1. Complete the request form below.
  2. Schedule the event at your earliest convenience.
  3. Confirm your guest list in order to host the free class. Report final guest count 3 days prior to class.
  4. Promote the event using materials provided
  5. Provide paper plates, utensils, and napkins
  6. Provide a dry erase board and markers if you have them.
We take your health and safety seriously.
  1. No Cooking Coach will come to you that has traveled to any COVID-19 infected country in the last 30 days. No one will come to you who has flu, colds or respiratory illnesses.
  2. The surfaces that will be used for the show will be cleaned and disinfected before and after use. The same will be done with all utensils that will be used.
  3. Our Cooking Coaches will maintain a respectable social distance from you and your team during the show and will avoid handshakes and other physical contact.
  4. Hand disinfecting will be done as frequently as needed throughout the presentation.

Request a Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn Signup
Select One Meal Option For Your Lunch & Learn: *